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South Miami Florida Real Estate By Jennifer Hershey

South Miami Florida Real Estate

South Miami, Florida, is located in Miami-Dade County, 3 miles NE of Kendall, Florida and 327 miles S of Jacksonville, Florida. South Miami has a population of 10,741.

South Miami Homes

South Miami properties pool is 4,393 residential properties including South Miami new homes. Median age of real estate in South Miami is 1960. Average Household size is 3.15 people. 4% are one bedroom homes, 22% are 2 bedroom homes, 53% are 3 bedroom homes, 13% are 4 bedroom homes, and 3% are 5+ bedroom homes.

South Miami Mortgage Statistics

South Miami mortgages vs. USA median statistics

Homes South Miami USA
Homes With No Mortgage 23%
Homes With Mortgage 77%
First Mortgage Only 62%
First & Second Mortgage or HELOC 15%

South Miami Area Real Estate Tax

South Miami Real estate Tax: Median Real Estate Taxes (2000) were $2,355 comparing to 1999 Median Family income $ 57,791. Compare to USA median yearly Real Estate Tax $1,300 and USA median Family Income $42,000 (1999).

South Miami School District: Children make up 22.7% of South Miami population. South Miami has 2,440 under 18 years old residents, or 0.48 kids per one worker, or 0.56 kids per one household.

South Miami Real Estate & South Miami Homeownership

There are 1317.9 or 30% one person households, 1317.9 or 30% two person households, and 790.74 or 18% three person households in South Miami, Florida. Median residents age is 37.4, Senior citizens (65+) make up 1,464 or 13.6%% of South Miami population.

There are 5,047 workers (over 16 years of age) in South Miami. Of these, 84.57% drive to work. Approximately 6.76% of workers in South Miami take public transportation. An estimated 2.87% walk to work.

Median South Miami homeowner's housing expences are 22.2%

Crime in South Miami (2003), crimes per 10,000 residents per year

Type of Crime South Miami USA, 2003
Violent Crimes
Aggravated Assaults
Property Crimes
Motor Vehicle Thefts

Invest in South Miami Properties

When making a decision about buying real estate in South Miami Florida area, you should consider following statistical data:

Category South Miami USA
Near Medium City
Kendall, Florida
Near Large City
Jacksonville, Florida
South Miami Zip Codes
33143, 33146, 33155, 33156, 33173, 33176, 33183
South Miami Area Codes
White population
African-American population
American Indian & Alaskan
Hispanic (of any race)
Median Family Income (1999)
$ 57,791%
Population Below Poverty Level

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